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Case Studies Clients Solutions

See how 08000 AFRICA has helped businesses, delivering the best people and technology, unravelling complexity and bringing a sustainable competitive advantage.

We were so impressed with your business ethics and the understanding you had of what our needs are as a financial institution. Thank you for the great services you provide!
C.K Asamoah
0800Africa, They are right there when I need them always for any managed IT Services. That’s the kind of service that builds a strong, long-term relationship.
Karen Lovat

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cyber 300

Case study in Industrial Sector

Case Studies: Industrial Sector Client A multi-location Ghanaian manufacturin

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IT support

Case Studies: Financial Services

We would all probably be shocked (but not surprised) if we were to add up how

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Case Study: Accounting Firm

Two monitors may indicate either a specialized work environment or a passion

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