0800Africa – No 33 Jungle Road, East Legon, Accra - Ghana Locate Us

0800Africa LIMITED

Cloud Communications & Collaboration Solutions

With our flexible, cost-effective cloud communications and collaboration solutions, we can create the ideal workplace, where business can be done more efficiently and effectively


Managed IT Solutions for a Range of Industries

Our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of your industry, giving you a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business landscape


Our expert team of IT engineers work with you to provide the right technology, security, and network connections to keep your business operating at its prime . Find out More

  • l settings
    Access to Premium Technology
    We partner with the best vendors and provide your business with the latest technologies
  • firewall
    Predictable IT Services costs
    Know your IT costs upfront so your business budget remains in-tact and you can stick with your financial goals
  • vpn
    Security of Client & Business Data
    Our Managed IT Solutions ensures that your business and clients remain safe and secure at all times
  • credit locked
    Ongoing Monitoring for IT Health
    For ongoing monitoring and maintenance of your IT to ensure your business can keep operating at its peak.

Keep your business running smoothly with our dependable IT Support Services. We provide onsite and remote IT support when your business needs it. Find out More

  • l settings
    Centralised response team
    dedicated to your business operations
  • firewall
    Increased security
    of your network and data
  • vpn
    Fast onboarding
    of new staff members
  • credit locked
    Complete transparency
    of outstanding support requests

Experience all the cloud computing benefits and access your data anywhere with a scalable, flexible platform by moving your physical infrastructure to the cloud. Find out More

  • l settings
    scalability, storage options, control choices, tool selection & secruity features
  • firewall
    Accessibility, Speed to market, Data security, Savings on equipment, Pay structure
  • vpn
    Strategic Value
    Streamlined work, Regular updates, Collaboration, Competitive Edge
  • credit locked
    Microsoft Office 365
    allows businesses of all sizes (big or small) to collaborate and share data

Our end-to-end managed IT security services keeps your business data safe. We identify and protect potential security threats, and recover if any breaches occur. Find out More

  • l settings
    Strong Network Security
    We implement Network Security to ensure your client data is safe from varying attacks
  • firewall
    Email Security
    We include Email Security to protect your business from spam and phishing
  • vpn
    Endpoint Protection
    We provide Endpoint Protection from ransomware, including malware detection.
  • credit locked
    Security Consulting
    Personalised Security Consulting to assess the greatest risks to your business.

Take advantage of our premium vendor partners and industry experience. Let us recommend the best IT equipment to help service your business needs. Find out More

  • l settings
    Technological guidance
    We help companies find the right hardware and software solutions to fit their business needs
  • firewall
    Managing the purchasing cycle
    Managed Services group to source the best hardware and software for any project, environment, and industry.
  • vpn
    Licensing expertise
    Our experts specialize in maximizing the profitability of your enterprise licensing plan.
  • credit locked
    IT purchasing for the future
    Choose hardware and applications that will succeed today and in the years ahead
0800Africa limited

Why choose us for your Managed IT Services

  • Long-established relationships and affiliations with IT industries
  • Deep knowledge of all technology platforms, frameworks & networks
  • Familiarity with Latest technological advancements and the infrastructure
  • On-site, remote, email and telephone support included
  • Just one fixed price per month gets you as much support as you need
Case studies

Our Latest Insights Stories
Managed IT Services

Discover all the insight stories from 0800Africa related to our services

cyber 300

Case study in Industrial Sector

Case Studies: Industrial Sector Client A multi-location Ghanaian manufacturin

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IT support

Case Studies: Financial Services

We would all probably be shocked (but not surprised) if we were to add up how

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Case Study: Accounting Firm

Two monitors may indicate either a specialized work environment or a passion

Great Service! Very experienced & Professional with Excellent Support
Michael Asante

Let’s get started

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Stop worrying about technology problems. Focus on your business. Let us provide the support you deserve.
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Microsoft Skills for jobs microdegre programes
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