0800Africa – No 33 Jungle Road, East Legon, Accra - Ghana Locate Us

Enterprise Communication Solutions

Agile, responsive businesses require the right mix of communication solutions to connect staff, enhance collaboration and drive innovation via a mix of voice, video and data-based digital engagement channels.



Our solution capabilities extend beyond great technology.

  • Increase productivity and satisfaction for agents and allow your customers to enjoy a seamless contact centre experience.
  • Adapt to the changing contact centre environment with ease. From onboarding new technology to meeting demand in peak seasons.
  • More productive agents, more satisfied customers, and an improved ability to meet KPIs, contact centre revenue generation increases.
  • From email to self-service portals, allow your customers to receive a consistent and cohesive experience across all channels.
vr headset

Flexible, agile working

UC&C solutions enable your business and people to be agile, by providing them with easy access to a set of cloud-based tools and resources that can be utilised from any location.

pattern recognition

Cost efficiency

The simplicity and efficiency of UC&C platforms will allow your business to save on operational costs in the long term. At Digital Space, we can flex our tariffs to meet requirements.


Increased productivity

Any business that adopts UC&C tools will see a rise in employee and operational efficiencies. The ability to utilise and analyse call, instant message and video across multiple devices