0800Africa – No 33 Jungle Road, East Legon, Accra - Ghana Locate Us
IT Risk Management and

IT Security Services

Managed IT Security Sevices is to help you organization to manage overall risk and improve security strategy

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    Cloud Communications

    Outbound and inbound
    call center solutions

    Each business is different, so we tailor full-scale IT security management services to individual requirements

    Security Monitoring

    and Security Information and Event Management – Effectively monitor the security of IT environments to identify, analyze and respond to potential security threats in time;

    • call center
      Vulnerability Tracking
      Verify the security status of your IT environment with routine vulnerability scans;
    • unified com
      Patch Management
      Compile patch- and vulnerability-related information from various sources

    IT risk management

     Pro-actively manage open threats by controls, corrective actions and other measures to mitigate risks;

    • meeting
      Business Continuity
      Determine the maturity of your controls for Information Security & Business Continuity.
    • UC
      Improve compliance with our assistance and identify and deploy best security practices

    Get some knowledge

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are some of the answers for our customers who wish to get onboard with 0800Africa regarding our services

    in our opinion ransomware is the #1 cyber threat to all our clients. We are focused on protecting our clients from these attacks. We follow ransomware news very closely and constantly adjust our standards based on the changing hacking tactics. Our security team’s main objective is ensuring that none of our clients are victims of a successful attack.

    We have developed a backup security standard to keep backups safe from attackers who will look to compromise them in a ransomware attack. We built our standard with the assumption that the network will be breached and that the attackers will obtain admin rights. Therefore, we completely segregate the backups from the network and put in place their own authentication. Our offsite backups also have ransomware protection built-in which allows for recovery if ever they were to be deleted. Our backup standard withstood penetration testing by multiple specialized security firms. We adapt our backup security standards constantly as the attackers change their tactics.

    Emails are one way or another part of most cyber-attacks because they work. Attackers will use a well-crafted email to steal a user’s password by tricking them into entering it into a fake site or will impersonate the CEO to try get a fraudulent wire transfer authorized. Protecting your email is essential.

    The first thing we do is stop email threats from getting to your users. We achieve this by deploying a leading cloud email security platform. It will stop all emails that contain malicious files as well as ensure that all links in the email are safe. Additionally, emails that are designed to impersonate someone from your company either by using the same name as a colleague or a similar domain will be blocked.

    The second things we do is to educate your users on safer computing habits. We also expose them to the latest tactics used by attackers with phishing simulation emails to keep their reflexes sharp.
    Finally, we deploy our set of advanced security tools on your users’ computers and devices which will alert us if anything goes wrong. This way if ever an email threat does make it through our defences to a user, our security team will immediately investigate and remediate the situation.

    Yes, you absolutely should. Unfortunately, even though we are very confident in our abilities to protect you against cyber attacks, nothing can be 100% secure. Insurance is an important part of your response plan.

    The security standards that we deploy will make sure that you will be insurable, and we will help you answer all the questions the insurers will have, and they will have a lot. We can also help validate that the proposed coverage makes sense for your business.

    No, our package is designed to be all-inclusive

    Yes we have many tools which we deploy on your IT estate and the list is growing by the month.