Case Study: Accounting Sector
A public accounting firm devoted to providing exceptional service to owner-managed businesses. They offer a full range of services from strategy development to taxation services and corporate financing.
The Problem
Like a lot of firms, one partner was tasked with overseeing IT decisions in addition to the full-time responsibilities of their “real job.” Demonstrating forward-thinking, they were an early adopter of cloud computing and leveraged IT support and hosting through an IT partner. Things started out well enough but deteriorated over time. Poor performance, freezing, lag, application crashes, and unresolved trouble tickets eroded the experience and confidence in their IT.
“Tax season became especially painful as surge demand ran up against the challenges and limitations of their environment.”
Mr. R. Donto, the company’s dedicated Account Manager.
The partner tasked with resolving it became enmeshed in micro-decisions about cloud resource requirements, network infrastructure, internet services, software versions, patching, drivers, asset procurement, and lifecycle management. And every little thing came with a bill. It was death by a thousand cuts. They wanted a new relationship with IT – they wanted the noise, the distraction, and the issues to disappear.
0800Africa’s Solution
Knowing this firm wanted a radically different approach to Information Technology procurement, delivery, and support, 0800Africa introduced their subscription IT solution, 0800Africa Infinite. For one fee per user, this accounting firm received a complete IT transformation including new cloud hosting, backups, networking infrastructure, security, support, and strategy. They also opted to enroll in 0800Africa’s Device-as-a-Service offering to receive a fleet of new enterprise-grade laptops, desktops, and monitors every three years.
The 0800Africa Infinite program also included built-in improvements to the firm’s security posture, such as data encryption, zero-trust application management, Microsoft 365 backups, and audited training and phish testing. Although this wasn’t the top issue when they selected 0800Africa, they appreciated the additional measures to keep their client’s financial data safe and secure.
This dynamic accounting firm can now stay focused on its business clients. Technology has become more like a utility and less like a problem child. Their IT is now automatically kept always up to date and is never obsolete. They have surge capacity when they need it, and they never have to discuss another IT resource investment or pay for another infrastructure upgrade projects
“Your staff is considerate, well mannered, and a pleasure to work with everyday. We couldn’t ask for better service.”
Dr. M. Essien, Executive Assistant to the CEO / Office Manager
Note: We have redacted client names from online case studies and testimonials to mitigate cyber threats from social engineering like phishing and pretexting. Contact 0800Africa to review our client list or to connect directly with the business leaders we support.